There are a number of different patterns and presentations that are producing well right now because there are three different stages of the spawn that fish are in right now. I have been targeting areas where the second stage of spawning fish are moving into. Key areas have been at the very back of the major creeks and pockets from mid-lake all the way north. With the lake fuller than it has been in several years, these fish are in virtually no water making beds. 5 feet of water or less has been the most productive. Topwater poppers, frogs and buzz baits are starting to catch a few fish. Wave Worm Tiki- Sticks and Bamboo Sticks or flukes in black/blue, green pumpkin and any watermelon color have been the best producers. I am rigging these baits weightless, slightly weighted or wacky style and am throwing them on a 7’2" Shimano Cumara Med. Hvy. rod spooled with 16 lb Gamma Edge fluorocarbon line. A 4/0 wide gap hook will do the job on the flukes and Tiki-Sticks when fishing them weightless and I am using a Mr. Blitz 4/0 Pinacky with a 1/32 oz. weight molded into the hook on my wacky rigs. The key to getting bites has been fishing these baits very slow. Texas rigged lizards,brush hogs, or beaver type baits are good choices as well for flipping the shallow grass and timber in these same areas. I will use a 7’ heavy action rod spooled with 20 lb. fluorocarbon for my flipping and 1/4 or 3/8 oz. weight with a 4/0 straight shank hook. Keep this rod handy as you go down the bank. You may see a big fish on a bed and want to flip in there to catch her!
April bass fishing on Lake Fork has been as good as can be expected despite the continual rains and fluctuating water conditions. The second wave of big female spawning fish have already started to converge on the shallows and a steady stream of more fish will head that direction as we come closer to the the full moon. It should all happen in perfect timing for the second annual Toyota Big Bass Classic on April 18-20.
This is going to be another great tournament this year so if you missed coming last year, come out and join the festivities next weekend!
Water temperatures on Lake Fork are ranging from 62-67 degrees or warmer in some areas in the peak of the afternoons. Due to the recent rains though, the water clarity is off-colored to stained in the back of some of the major creeks on the north end of the lake.
The south end is in much better shape with clearer water and water temperatures that are optimal for some great April spawning action. Lake levels are currently at 403.83 and dropping with the gates at the dam being re-opened.
On cloudy windy days, a Talon spinner bait in 3/8 or 1/2 oz. white or chart./white will catch some good ones . I have also been throwing a Chatter bait with good success. It has done well when they will not touch a spinner bait. I am also a big swim bait fan during this time of year. Areas that you are able to find some clearer water in are good places to throw a big 5 to 7 inch swim bait. My favorite color during this time of year is bluegill, white/pearl, or a shiner color. If you are coming to Lake Fork and are after a really big bass. Tie one on, throw it and be ready! The big bass on Fork love these things and will hit them so hard that it feels like a train just ran over your bait!!
If you are interested in booking a guided trip on Lake Fork, I have a couple dates at the end of May and some in June still available. Feel free to give me a call at (903) 736-9888 or just email me . I will also be out at the PAA Toyota tournament working the Diamond Sports Marine booth so stop by and say hello. If you have not seen the new Z520’s or would like a demo ride. I will have my boat there for those that would like to take a spin in it!Thank you to the good Lord, my family and to my sponsors for their great support. I am thankful to be surrounded with so many wonderful and supportive people.
Read Hebrews 4: 12,13
Tight Lines and God Bless,
James Caldemeyer